An Interview with John Hemingway, author of the memoir, “Strange Tribe”

Many thanks to Denise C for connecting me to John Hemingway and for contributing some great questions to the interview. Thank you also to Gary Wyatt for his questions. I have enjoyed exchanging emails with those of you who sent me ideas for the new Hemingway wish list. I will post it soon.
John Hemingway is an American author whose critically acclaimed memoir, Strange Tribe, examines the similarities and the complex relationship between his father Dr. Gregory Hemingway and his grandfather, Nobel Laureate Ernest Hemingway. As revealed in his memoir, John had a difficult childhood; not only did his father suffer from bipolar disorder but his mother, Alice, was schizophrenic. As a result, John spent his early years being shuffled from one home to another and trying to make sense of his highly dysfunctional family. He eventually went to study history and Italian at U.C.L.A. and after graduating moved to Italy, as a way of distancing himself from his troubled family background. However, once there he realized that unless he came to terms with his father’s disorder he would never find the emotional equilibrium that had always eluded him. To do that, however, meant understanding his grandfather and what John discovered was that both men, besides being bipolar, were also fascinated by androgyny. Being a Hemingway, it turned out, was much more complicated than most people realized and the macho myth surrounding Ernest Hemingway was in fact only half the story.As a writer John’s articles and short stories have appeared in American, Italian and Spanish newspapers and reviews. His short story Uncle Gus was recently the featured piece for the re-launch of the Saturday Evening Post. After leaving Italy and spending a year in Spain, John now lives with his wife and two children in Montreal, Canada.
AB: What is your favorite memory of Greg?
AB: Pauline has gone down in the biographies as not having a maternal instinct for children. It is appalling to read how often Greg was left behind as a child. Were there any people in Greg’s childhood that took note of his situation and gave him comfort or attention – another relative, a maid, a family friend?
JH: While it’s certainly true that Pauline will not go down in history as the world’s greatest mom, I don’t think that she meant to do Greg any harm. She was just extremely devoted to her husband, Ernest. She was a wealthy woman and could afford a nanny to take care of Greg and that is pretty much what happened. His early years were spent mostly with Ada, the governess. I can’t think of anyone who might have been there for him, a part from Ada.
AB: There seemed to have been happy moments in Greg’s childhood in Cuba – at least in some of Ernest’s letters. Do you know about his childhood there, did he talk about playing baseball or his affection for Marty Gellhorn?
JH: My dad hardly ever spoke to me about his childhood. He loved baseball and often took us to see the Yankees play in New York but I never knew, growing up, about ‘his’ baseball team in Havana. I did know that of all my grandfather’s wives he liked Marty Gellhorn the most. He continued to see her for a long time after Ernest was gone.
AB: How old was Greg when Pauline and Ernest were divorced? When he wasn’t in Cuba, what was Greg’s life like? (Did he go to boarding school, etc. . .)
AB: Like EH, you have lived outside of the US much of your adult life. What motivates you to be an expat?
JH: It’s not something that I planned, living abroad. I think initially I thought that I would stay in Italy for a year or two, but one thing led to another and before I knew it twenty years had passed. I do like to travel and living in a foreign country can give you a very different perspective on where you grew up. It helped me, I think, to understand my family and my father.
AB: I felt a certain justice, or actually, relief, in the angry letters that Greg wrote to his father starting on page 116. It was as if Greg was demanding that Ernest have a conscience. How did you feel about these letters when you read them?
JH: For me it was very difficult reading those letters. I was sincerely surprised by the anger, but especially by the pain. Here were two people, Greg and Ernest, who obviously needed each other very much and yet they were for the most part incapable of expressing that need and their love for each other. I wanted to help them, but of course I couldn’t because they were both dead.
AB: Were those letters in the family or were they in a museum or library?
JH: My brother Patrick had copies of my father’s letters. He had received them from the Kennedy library when our dad was still alive. After my father died, I visited the Kennedy Library in 2005 and asked to see my dad’s letters but they only had three or four of the over seventy copies that I had. I remember asking the curator if they’re were any other copies and he said “no” there weren’t. I can’t be sure but my suspicion is that someone ‘disappeared’ my father’s letters soon after he died.
AB: Throughout the book, and as a fairly young man, Greg’s honesty about his struggles is remarkable. EH obviously knew about Greg’s troubles for a long time. How do you think EH dealt with it both with Greg and also, privately?
JH: I think that Ernest recognized himself in his son, and by that I mean that his son’s sexual ambiguity was also his own. Greg, with his crossing dressing and his gender bending activities, really was a chip off the old block. After all, no one asked EMH to write The Garden of Eden, or the short stories, A Simple Inquiry, or A Sea Change. Obviously, Ernest was the one who felt the need to express these themes. As the protagonist of Garden says, they were, in their gender experiments, looking for a “more African sensuality, beyond all tribal law”.
AB: By the time Greg joined the army at age 24, he had so much more life experience than other people his age. He had been married, he had traveled to Africa and Cuba, he had been part of L Ron Hubbard’s group, he had a famous father and he was dealing with his own demons. Do you think that he was exhausted by his own life’s experiences?
JH: I think that what really wore him out in the end was his bi-polar condition and that fact that for many years, at least until the discovery of Lithium, it went untreated. Or rather, he self medicated, like his father, with alcohol.
AB: The letters between Greg and EH are filled with tenderness and rage. At one point in the book, you describe Greg as the favorite son. Tell me what you know about their relationship when Greg was a boy.
JH: Greg, from what I’ve heard, was a very lively boy. He was as intelligent as his father, had the same good sense of humor and irony and was also quite the athlete and hunter. I know that at the age of 12 he won a national skeet shooting content in Cuba against adults. Ernest was extremely proud of “Gig’s” shooting ability. When he won the contest in Cuba Ernest’s letters to his friends were ecstatic. I think that their relationship until Greg was in his late teens was largely a good one. Of course, when my dad started having his manic episodes things changed. Ernest was still very supportive of his youngest son, but as the condition did not get better (it’s not something that you cure) he must have realized that he had passed on being bi-polar to his son (Ernest was bi-polar) and that there wasn’t a damn thing that he could do about it, a part from being there when his son needed him. It must have been very painful for my grandfather to know that he was the cause of this condition in his own child, as I’m sure it would be for any parent. He helped Greg for as long as he could, but it was never enough.
AB: I reread your book, Strange Tribe the same week I was reading “At the Hemingway’s for another interview and I couldn’t help but marvel at the cultural changes that occurred during EH’s lifespan. As a child growing up in conservative Oak Park, he lived with grandparents that had connections with the civil war. Through his own children, he saw the gender roles (among other things!) change completely. How well do you think EH managed these transitions? Did living in places like Key West and Cuba isolate him from the way the culture was moving forward, or give him a sense of “to each his own”?
AB: Did Greg ever question the electroshock therapy he and his father received?
JH: No. As a doctor, he knew that at times it is the only way to bring a patient out of a state of deep clinical depression.
JH: Carl wrote a great book. It’s not the easiest read, at times it’s extremely “technical”, but I do think that it is very useful in understanding some of my grandfather’s deeper motivations. I recommend it to anyone interested in understanding EMH.
AB: EH fulfilled some sort of masculine ideal for Americans after World War II. Our culture has shifted away from this image of men considerably – for instance, we now have a cultural vocabulary to talk about alcoholism and being the child of an alcoholic. How much of the volatility of Greg and EH would you attribute to their drinking?
AB: If you could ask Ernest Hemingway anything, what would it be?
JH: Good question. I don’t really have one question in particular. I don’t think I’d ask him about his writing. Too many other people have already done that. I’d probably ask him about his big game fishing and how he came up with the idea of developing outriggers for deep sea fishing boats. Or why he liked to box. Or what Gertrude Stein was like, or Ezra Pound (I love his poetry).
AB: You point out the way the EH and Greg were often used by other people for their money and their fame. Has this been the case for you and how do you deal with it?
AB: How will you talk to your children about their grandfather and great grandfather?
AB: Writing Strange Tribe had to be very emotional for you. How long did it take you to write your intensely personal book? Did you write the book continuously or did you put it away at times for months or even years?
AB: Sports seemed to be a large part of your grandfather’s and father’s lives. They enjoyed sports such as hunting, fishing, baseball, bullfighting, and boxing. Which of these do you enjoy or what other sports do you participate?
AB: Besides being a writer, you are also a translator. In what languages are you fluent?
JH: I am fluent in Italian, conversatinal in Spanish and I have what I would call a discreet knowledge of French.
AB: Ernest liked to vacation in tropical locales, Italy and Spain, and he spent many winters in central and southern Idaho. Where do you and your family like to vacation?
AB: What are some of your favorite books – both Hemingway and non Hemingway?
JH: I love Garcia Maquez’s “Cien años de soledad” (A Hundred Years of Solitude) or the Italian writer Leonardo Sciascia’s “Il giorno della civetta” (The Day of the Owl). I’ve just finished reading Yann Martel’s Life of Pi which I think is a great novel. As for my grandfather’s works I like the all the short stories and especially the two long stories “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “the Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”.
AB: What kinds of projects do you have in the works writing and otherwise?
JH: Right now I’m working on putting together a collection of short stories, and then, hopefully, I’ll be able a publisher for them.
AB: (From Gary) John, do you blame Ernest for Greg’s demons in his life, his mother Pauline, or just the way Greg reacted to what cards he was dealt with?
Allie-Thanks for great interview, again! Your interviews are so good because of your thorough research and readings. And you have the knack to always formulate such good questions.
John-Thanks for all of your answers and providing such great insight into Greg and Ernest’s lives. Looking forward to more of your short stories.
Utterly fascinating interview. Mr. Hemingway has very incisive answers on the man and the myth as well as the family behind him and his book sounds very interesting. I will have to look it up. I’m comforted to know that even John Hemingway had a tough time with agents and publishers, as it gives us other writers determination to keep pushing. Keep writing too, John. Another home run, Allie!
Allie and John,
Captivating interview ! It was nice to see how you were able to discuss sensitive issues without the usual sensationalism that often accompanies those topics.
I do think that there is great value to Carl Eby’s book because those of those born in the 50’s know that the rigid gender roles that were were fed just weren’t real.
Keep up the great work !
Thanks for the great interview John and Allie – it is very poignant and touching at times. Will stayed tuned!
Loved this interview. Such honest and forthcoming answers John; thank you for sharing with all of us a window into your world. I will be sure to read your book, as I have not yet. AB, love your great questions, they are very thought provoking. Fascinating!
Great interview and I love that photo of Papa with the kids.
Thank you for the interview. Just got done with John’s book “Strange Tribe.” Very powerful. One of the very few books in my life I could hardly put down. Felt I was living the whole thing every inch of the way!
Hi Carol,
Thank you for your comment, I agree with you about John’s book and was thrilled to have him do this interview.
All the best, A
Hi Allie,
I just saw your note, and you’re very welcome. BTW, I also recently read Greg Hemingway’s book “Papa: A Personal Memoir” and enjoyed it too but nothing like John’s. I have to agree with Greg’s statement to John at a young age that the writing gene had skipped a generation, and John is the one that got it. I could go on and on but I better not, LOL.
Great website!
this was a remarkable & yet straight forward interview. Hem’s grandson comes across VERY IMPRESSIVE. I hope to meet him one day & most assuredly read his further writings. RicP
I found this interview today by happenstance. I was looking for something to read with breakfast, and picked up a paperback published in the seventies from my library. It was “Papa” by Gregory Hemingway. Hadn’t read it in at least twenty years. The introduction by Normal Mailer was okay, but established he didn’t have a prayer of ever being remembered like EMH. Then came the chiller. An excerpt from “Islands in the Stream” in which EMH fictionalized his relationship with his youngest son and spoke with classic Hemingway obliqueness of the boy being “bad” in a way only the father understood; who worked hard at being good while the bad grew inside…It stopped me dead in my breakfast. I paid it no mind thirty and twenty years ago when I read the book, but in the meantime a good friend of mine had sent me a copy of John Hemingway’s book,which made a profound impression on me. Hence the chill at reading the “Islands” excerpt. I enjoyed this interview very much and found it striking that the grandson mentions the three stories by EMH that focus on sexual ambiguity that I recall for that very reason. Though there were other allusions here and there in other stories. I liked the part of John’s book about (great) Uncle Leicester, only one of the strange tribe I ever met, in Nassau, at a time in his life when he looked remarkably like his famous brother. The whole office was abuzz about his visit; he stopped by on the way to the airport and had a taxi waiting on the meter. He was very cheerful and modest and gave me some copies of his little Bimini newspaper; my cynical executive editor said he may be number two but he tries harder…
Hi Bill,
Thank you for reading the interview and for your comment. I was so impressed by John’s honesty and his willingness to explore his family dynamics publicly. His book was great! I have often thought that there is no end to Hemingway research, it seems the more that we discover about him, the more we want to know. Like you, I think I could read about Hemingway for the rest of my life and never get bored.
Thank you for writing, fondly, Allie