A French Divorce

A French Divorce
The one year anniversary of The Hemingway Project quietly slipped by on December 19th, but I wanted to tell you how happy I am about it! A lot has happened in a year.

What a delight is has been to bring the idea of collecting Hemingway stories into fruition and meet all of you. In a future post I will write about a specific incident that convinced me Hemingway stories needed to be told. It is a wonderfully poignant and funny story that took place in a funky little hostel in Bilboa Spain, but I need a whole new post to tell it.

In the meantime, I have so many more ideas for the next year including some really fantastic interviews. I would like to make the website more interactive this year, so if you have some ideas to contribute, please do so.

Now let’s listen to Hadley talk to Alice about the end of her marriage to Ernest and the beginning of her new life with Bumby.

PS. The winning caption from my last post is posted below.

And the winner is . . .

Castro sings to Ernest, “Jolly Old Saint Hemingway, lean your ear this way. Don’t you tell a single soul what I’m going to say… I’m dreaming of a Red Christmas”