A French Divorce

What a delight is has been to bring the idea of collecting Hemingway stories into fruition and meet all of you. In a future post I will write about a specific incident that convinced me Hemingway stories needed to be told. It is a wonderfully poignant and funny story that took place in a funky little hostel in Bilboa Spain, but I need a whole new post to tell it.
In the meantime, I have so many more ideas for the next year including some really fantastic interviews. I would like to make the website more interactive this year, so if you have some ideas to contribute, please do so.
Now let’s listen to Hadley talk to Alice about the end of her marriage to Ernest and the beginning of her new life with Bumby.
PS. The winning caption from my last post is posted below.
And the winner is . . .
Castro sings to Ernest, “Jolly Old Saint Hemingway, lean your ear this way. Don’t you tell a single soul what I’m going to say… I’m dreaming of a Red Christmas”
Congrats on the first anniversary, Allie!!
You’ve added a lot of class and knowledge to the world of Hemingway fans – thanks!
I totally agree with Nikon! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the New Year!
All the best,
Thanks for a great first year.
Love the Hadley recording, especially where she mentions that she felt free after Ernest since he was such a responsibility.
Allie, sweetheart! You have a positive glow of health about you! Happy Anniversary for this dear blog spot that enriches our lives.
In this latest clip of Hadley ~ I loved to hear of her new freedom and how “light” she felt when the divorce went through so easy and quietly.
She was a treasure, Earnest ran into the ground but happily she escaped one way or another and went on to embrace her new freedom. This is no small accomplishment and a new freedom is my wish for all of us in the New Year along with the abundance of heaven and all good things to each and every one! Why? Because we desire it! And so it is…
Another interesting post. Hadley is so dignified about the whole things it’s really amazing. It’s nice to know that she ended up having a long, happy marriage with Paul.
Happy New Year everybody and looking forward to being subscribed to this great blog in 2011!
Love how she describes the divorce from Ernest that she felt “free as air” and how she was welcomed by her family and ‘old’ French teacher Miss Curtis! I’m sure being with EH was both a wonderful experience and a prison of sorts, according to her own words and what I’ve read. Paul (Mowrer)probably provided the escape that someone as intense Ernest could not. Happy first anniversary of many! We LOVE your site! Keep up the good work, Allie! Great new pic.
I LOVE this!
Happy NEW YEAR ALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a really fun reading your blog in 2010 and I look forward to more in 2011. One thing that I think would be awesome for you site is you could have a membership so can all get to know each other better.
Hi, I think you blog is great. I thought Hemingway’s quote about sleep quite interesting as he opted for the long forever sleep in search of forever peace.
Happy New year, and thanks for bringing Hemingway back to us.
Best Regards,
Hotel La Defense
I’m so glad that I came across your site! Here’s to another year of more Hadley!
Thanks for providing the tapes, they offer wonderful insight! During this interview, when Hadley describes their breakup, at one point, she said – what sounds to me anyways – that, “I just stopped loving him.”
Did anyone else hear that comment, and is that your interpretation of it too?
That got me wondering – since she described what a huge responsibility it was having a relationship with Ernest – did she stop loving him before or after the divorce? And if perhaps it was before, maybe he sensed this too, and it caused him to suddenly look for another person who didn’t feel so burdened by him? [Not having read as much about Hemingway as perhaps others, maybe this is common knowledge]. However, this seems a plausible cause for his infidelity, since I have read that he had a habit of breaking things off when he felt he was losing the upper hand. Maybe he sensed Hadley’s growing frustration, so he strayed…
I’m curious what anyone else thinks about this?
Does anyone know the exact date of Hadley and Ernest’s divorce. My attorney in
Paris informs me that the only way to locate a copy in the records is by date.
Alternately, does anyone have a copy of the French divorce decree and, if one
were made separately by a notary, the property settlement?
I have read –perhaps Jeffrey Meyers’ work — that after the Agnes event EH dumped wives, girlfriends early enough(or perhaps made himself obnoxious enough that one would be happy to see him stray when he did do) so that he was the one who did the dumping –dumped them before they got a chance to do to him what he perceived Agnes had done. “Jes sayin’. Also if the Paris prices descend enough for me to make a purchase I will need a lawyer and the one I had did not outlive (in his practice) the search. Although I haven’t seen or made the genealogical chart that purported shows the family relationship to EH, I was married to a typical EH character. Although it was many years ago(and we are still or now friends), it was before any of the books in 1966 or the Baker book in 1969. Thus my former-former couldn’t have known to copy the spray-footed stance of EH, and a number of other issues also familiar. abbb