End of Summer Schedule and the Wish List

It has been a beautiful summer and I am enjoying the last of it by the lake not too far from my house. Where I live, August brings windy weather and a whisper of autumn, and suddenly, sailboats dot the lake. The sailboats are lovely, dreamy – but they suggest the end of something. A friend wrote to say that he felt a hint of “farewell’ in my last post, but it’s not the blog. It is the changing of the seasons, and the fact that I am getting ready to travel to Argentina for the winter. For the next few weeks, I will be publishing just one post a week as I work through the transitions. I owe several people interviews, which are forthcoming, but I am rather delighted to say that I have too many interviews and not enough time! I promise some fun and interesting conversations in the next few months.
In the meantime, I am sorting through my books and research materials deciding what to take. It is difficult to get books in the part of Argentina I am going to, Patagonia. I’m guessing that I will have the largest Hemingway library in the country, don’t you think?
Speaking of interviews, I have collected the suggestions I’ve had from readers emailing me and friends reading the blog and composed a new wish list. This wish list is quite expanded, and will propel me into new territory. A couple of you wrote that you would like to see video and audio interviews posted on the blog. With the technology available today, I think that it is entirely possible, I just have to learn how to do it. Here are some of the other suggests I received: (my own list is at the end)
Here are the suggestions:
More about Martha Gellhorn (perhaps her biographer or someone who knew her)
Rene Villareal, author of Hemingway’s Cuban Son
Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin, author of Hemingway’s Moveable Feast: The Making of Myth
A.E Hotchner, author of Papa Hemingway
Winston Conrad, author of Hemingway’s France
Carl Eby, Author of Hemingways Fetishism
Patrick Hemingway
Valerie Hemingway
These suggestions were also appreciated:
Travel and write about Hemingway locations (I would love to!)
Keep writing about Hadley and post more Hadley audio clips (It is not difficult to fulfill this one)
Publish a book of Interviews (This is also in the “I’d love to” category)
And my own wish list of interviews:
Amanda Vaill, author of Everybody was so Young
Someone who knows a lot about Bumby
Gioia Diliberto, author of Hadley: A life
Susan Wrynn, curator of the Hemingway Collection
David Earle, author of All Man! Hemingway, 1950′s Men’s Magazines and the Masculine Persona
A survey of how Hemingway is perceived in other cultures
A survey of how Hemingway is perceived by different generations
I have saved the best wish for last:
Let’s keep an eye on this wish list and see how many of them come true! I will be back on Tuesday with a new post on Hadley.
I like your “Best Wish For Last” – following Ernest and Hadley’s European travels
I like the idea of compiling your interviews into a book. I think your blog has quality, fascinating interviews and you just need to find the right publisher – which would also be cool for everyone who has contributed to your blog or been following it for a while now!
I agree with Nikon, best for last is pretty cool. Still searching for those pics, Allie.
Ciao Allie,
I’m not sure if you have already, but if you haven’t you might consider Carl Eby for an interview.
John, what a great idea – thank you for suggesting it. It would be interesting to explore his concepts and find out more about his research. What an interesting interview that would be! I have added it to the list –
Argentina! Wow! That’s got to be very exciting. I am so excited,and looking so forward to the next few months of what you have in store for us on your blog, Allie!
So many great ideas on your wish list! I can’t wait for the reality of it all.
All the best,and safe travels in South America!
Hopefully going to Patagonia won’t slow down your writing too much. Getting lots of books down there could be a bit of a problem.
Who knows, maybe being out of the country will give you some new insights into the ex-pat mind of Hemingway. I look forward to your blogs from Argentina.
May many of your wishes come true.
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