“Everything was New”

Here is another clip of Hadley talking about the adventures she and Ernest had together in Europe in the early 20′s, much of which Hemingway wrote about so affectionately in A Moveable Feast. The bike races were wildly popular in the United States and were introduced in Paris in 1913.
I did a little research about the six day bike races and came across a fabulous website by three men who have written a book and made a documentary called Six Day Bicycle Race: The Jazz Age Sport. I have reprinted their information below.
Be sure to go to the special features section of their website and watch the video clip, “It was a helluva show”. There is also a wonderful photo gallery , which includes photos like this one labeled ” The great Bobby Walthour Sr., the “Dixie Flyer” during the 1903 Madison Square Garden Six Day”

The Glamour Sport of the 1910’s, 20’s, and 30’s — The Six-Day Bicycle Race
from the website Six Day Bicycle Race
The riders were some of the best paid and most respected athletes during the golden era of sports…the Jazz Age. It was a seen and be seen event every year in all the major metropolitan areas of the United States and Canada. Movie stars, politicians, and gangsters mixed with everyday sports fans to create an atmosphere not found in any other sport. Jazz bands and song pluggers performed in the infield as the bookies plied their trade. The finest sports writers of the day, such as Grantland Rice and Damon Runyon, spun tales of heroes and villains. The riders raced for big money and big endorsements. Every major city in North America had its own “Race to Nowhere” each winter, when the college football season was over (pro football was strictly small time) and the baseball season had yet to start. This film traces the history of this completely forgotten sport from its early days in the 1880’s through its sad demise in the 1950’s. Over 40 hours of interviews with riders, supporters, family members and historians bring life to the rich tapestry which was the Six-Day Bicycle Race. Narrated by award winning author and television sports journalist Frank Deford, this film brings to life the color and excitement of an era when a bike rider could make in six days what his father might earn in six years. More than 10 years in the making, the Six-Day Bicycle Race is a film that brings together the largest known collection of photographs, archival footage and personal recollections by and of people long since passed away. The producers of this film hope you will come to love the characters and the institution of the Six-Day Bicycle Race as much as we have.
Mark Tyson
Jeff Groman
Peter Joffre Nye
Fascinating. More tapes!
Yes! More Tapes. I love hearing Hadley talk about her adventures,and her sense of humor is so charming! Encore!! Encore!!
I absolutely love the Hadley Tapes — her insight into her relationship is so interesting and puts so much perspective on the adventures and sadness that she experienced in her marriage. As always, great post!
Thank you all for the comments, they really made my day. I am glad that there are others out there who love Hadley as much as I do! Yes, I promise that we will hear a lot more from her in the coming months.
Love the tapes on Hadley as does all your readers it seems and will listen to others on your site – opens up a whole new world for all the Hemingway lovers. Thank you!!
Thank you Michael – I’m glad you enjoy the clips. The tapes really ramble, but there are so many moments in the conversation that are absolute gems. But of course that’s because she is such a remarkable woman!
Love the tapes as usual. Please keep them coming. Also enjoyed the learning about the bike races. I look forward to seeing the entire film.
Hadley’s charm and wit never cease to amaze me. I hope I’m that bright when I’m that old;) Thanks for another fresh and informative post Allie!
You’ve really got a great site. I’m so happy I discovered it. I’m going to link you on my own Hemingway haven –