Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
It’s a clear, cold day here and the sunlight, filtered through pine trees outside, slants through the windows. A soft fire flickers in the fireplace and the turkey in the oven fills the house with warmth and an all-too-familiar aroma. You can’t imagine how happy I am to be celebrating this Thanksgiving with my family. The tradition of setting aside a whole day for gratitude has more meaning this year than it ever has.
I wanted to thank you all, my blog readers and friends, for your friendship and warmth. I was touched by the encouragement and loving messages I received after my last post.
Next week I’ll begin publishing a series of guest posts, the first by Mary Ann Doerr about Hemingway’s formative years in Michigan. More interviews are in the works, including an interview with H.R. Stoneback, and more. As always, we will continue to post Hadley audio.
I would also like to ask you to leave a comment below and tell me what kinds of subjects you would like to see covered on the blog going forward. There is so much I haven’t even tapped into and now I have some help to do so!
Happy Thanksgiving,
A wall in Notre Dame Cathedral, (enhanced to better view the details of the painting)
Hi Allie:
A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too.
I would like to see more of Hemingway’s Cuban years, and what are the chances of getting inside the Finca Vigia for a photo shoot. Thanks!
Hi Jerry,
Thanks so much for your comment and for your suggestion about Cuba, I agree!
I had hoped to go to Cuba twice in the last few years and just couldn’t seem to get there. I would love to see the inside of the Finca too.
I have an interview lined up with Ada Rosa Gonzoles, the Director of the Finca museum, and I hope we’ll learn more about what’s inside. It would be great if she could provide photos. Any readers out there with photos of the inside of the Finca?
All the best, Allie
Dearest Allie, first of all, wishing you and your remarkable family all the joys and blessings of Thanksgiving. Though I haven’t celebrated it since I left the US in 1968, I have fond memories!
As my pet interest is in Petoskey, I have a challenge for you: Brad something or other (don’t remember his family name) took us (the participants in the 1998 Michigan Hemingway Society Weekend) on a detailed walking tour of Petoskey and said he had a book in the works. As far as I know, it never materialized. Perhaps someone from the Michigan H Society has contact info and can track down Brad’s invaluable notes (I’m thinking of Fred Svoboda, Jan Byrne, Charlotte and Cecil Ponder, etc.).
Thinking of you with love – always, Judy
Hi Judy,
I’m sure you’ve adopted some “new” traditions in Israel but the ones we grew up with still remain sweet too.
I will ask around about Brad and the walking tour in Petosky, there is so much more to explore about Michigan and Oak Park as well! Thanks for the suggestion.
Best wishes Judy, fondly, Allie
Allie…Extremely pleased to hear of your fine Thanksgiving. On Dec. 10, I will be in Havana and working with the reborn Children’s baseball team ESTRELLAS DE GUIGUI at Finca Vigia. I will be spending some time with Ada Rosa. Let me know if there is anything I can convey to her on your behalf.
I’m creating a new book based on the original baseball team that Hemingway started in the 1940′s. I will also be filming a documentary about my work with Hemingway. Good things are happening.
My love to you and your family
Brian <3
“Hemingway On Stage”
Hi Brian,
That’s great news about all of the creative projects unfolding in your life. I want to hear more about all of it. And yes, I will email you about Ada Rosa, I would love to finally do that interview!
All the best, Allie
Hi, Allie~
So glad you are doing so well and could enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sending healing blessings and much love to you..
Just a quick note about Finca Vigia along with a link ~ this site has a rolling video of the interior and exterior for those who wish to feel as if they were there. It’s a virtual tour of the place and should hold you until one of us and go down (whoever makes it first) to take our own pictures. I am betting it will be you, Allie.
If you use “Chrome” as a browser, it will translate but you can also just select different views of the inside that you wish to see.
Again much love to you!
Hi Darla,
Thanks for the link, I’m going to try it right now!
Nothing is ever written about H emingway’s role in WW II. This is why he was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery in 1947. More people should be aware of the fact.
Dear Virginia,
Thank you for pointing this out – you are right, Hemingway’s WW II experiences have barely been touched upon here. Thanks for reading, and for your great suggestion!
Hi Allie. I would like it if Mariel Hemmingway talked a bit about her new book or is a documentary about Bumby (her dad) and family from her perspective. I wonder if she has listened to the tapes of her grandmother and if she knew Hadley. Thanks Allie, it is so good that you are back with us! Melissa
Hi Melissa,
I would like that too! I have often wanted to ask her about Hadley as well. Have you seen the movie? I look forward to it. Thanks again, these are all great ideas!
All the best, Allie
Hi Allie,
I have just emailed you some of the images I photographed showing the inside areas of Finca Vigia, as well as pictures of other favorite hauntings of Hemingway in Havana and surrounding areas.