The Hemingway Wish List

The Hemingway Wish List

At the beginning of this year, just eight months ago, I posted my “Hemingway wish list” alongside my first few posts for the Hemingway Project. I wasn’t sure who was out there reading. It occurred to me this week that every single wish I put on that list has come true. After I finish my interview with John Hemingway and John Dentinger, a retired tour guide for the Key West Hemingway house and museum, I will have to make a new list!

As I’ve written before, the idea for The Hemingway Project began last year after I had traveled to Europe for the first time. Before my journey, I re-read Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast and The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway was fresh in my mind during my visit to Paris and northern Spain and I has some unusually funny and poignant encounters that all had something to do with Hemingway. When I returned, I decided that I was going to interview readers about Hemingway and how he has influenced them.

When I told my writers group about my idea for a Hemingway blog, I was met with polite disbelief. One of our most successful writers, (who is sometimes referred to as “the general”) stared at me across the table and said frankly, “You have crossed over to the dark side.” She softened a little when she learned that even Joe Haldeman likes Hemingway. Week after week they listened to my enthusiasm and most of all my stories of the connections Hemingway has created in my life. And Hadley – everyone I know has been kind enough to listen to me talk about Hadley. Hadley is truly the centerpiece to all of my writing.

This project has been a lot of fun, an amazing amount of work and so surprising – I really had no idea of depth of feeling I would encounter in people who care about Hemingway. I have laughingly mentioned to friends that “all things start with Hemingway,” because in the process of talking about Hemingway, my interviews have included stories about absent fathers, being mugged by gypsies, Freudian interpretations of bullfighting, a fortune-teller’s theory of the lost manuscripts – even the Dali lama made an appearance!

So thank you to my readers and to the interviewees for making this such a fun and rewarding project. Please send in your ideas to help me create a new wish list. Personally, I’d like to get hold of the Zelda Tapes, but I don’t think they exist!